South Africa – Last Days

Rachel and I are just starting to wind down from our trip here. We leave in two days. The last week here without Charity and Shane has been a lot more finding out what Hands at Work does as a whole. My IT skills have been used occasionally here in the office so I’ve been able to watch first hand how everything functions here.

Rachel on the other hand has dove right into her nursing. Everyday ends with a massive smile on her face. She is loving every minute of it. She jumped right into work at the ACTS clinic working with patients, taking blood and doing whatever else nurses do. She probably has a million things to say and tell about her work in the clinic but I’ll leave that to her, which I’m sure will all awake her from her blogging slumber.

There is a number of volunteers here now from all the different projects that are all over Africa, so it is a beautiful site. All of them felt called by God to help those in need around them and started doing it, then Hands at Work started backing them up by sending them whatever funds and resources they needed (or whatever Hands at Work had) to help them do their work. It is great to hear their stories and what has been happening where they are from.

When I return I will post all my pictures and probably a few more thoughts that I’ve had. But for now that is all from this trip.


  1. Hope you guys have enjoyed my home country. As I’ve been reading your posts, its evident that you’re going back home with a lot of different ‘thoughts, questions, ideas, perspectives’ that perhaps you never had fully intended. Am I reading right ?

  2. How weird! I landed up at your blog after following a link from what someone saw….. I am from SA. From White River. From HANDS AT WORK!!!! We just recently left Hands to move on to another ministry…. But how bizarre that I found your page!!!! Hope you loved SA and will visit again…. !!!

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