I’ve been able to get some pictures online at really small copies. So if you are interested, you can check them out here. I’ll try to get more and more up when I can, but not having much luck with the internet. So when I get home I’ll do a major upload.

Charity and Shane left back home last Wednesday and Rachel and I have been here alone since. We miss them already. We have one week left here. Since being here people have begun to discover I can turn on a computer and possibly fix them up a little, so I think I’ve had a different laptop or computer to look at everyday since I’ve been here. The problems range from not knowing how to turn it on to more serious ones. The problem is here, that the Internet connection downloads at 1kb or less a second, so to download any software at all is pretty much impossible.

Rachel has been in heaven for the last little while. She has been doing some nursing at the Acts Aids Clinic where we are staying. I don’t think I’ve ever seen a smile so big. She is in her element doing that kind of stuff. So I’m glad she is loving it. I have also been enjoying myself doing random little things. I got to drive to Belfast and Cork to see other Hands at Work projects at different stages of development. I’m also helping a lot on the administrative side of things with Lynn and Jayme helping wherever I can with things I’m good at.

In the past few days we’ve been meeting a lot of the Hands at Work crew, going to different people’s home for dinner and spending some late nights (10pm) chatting about life. They really have a great, strong community here that explains a lot of their success in the communities. It’s fun to be part of and feels a bit like living back in residence, except with kids and families. To those that said you couldn’t live in community with families, you’re wrong.

We went out for Lynn’s birthday one night, for dinner down the road at a farm for one night and on campus for another. We actually went to see a movie one night to take a break, which was kind of random. It was a cool little indie theatre that costs $3 to get into, we saw the Nanny Diaries and I didn’t hate it with a title like that, it was a good perspective on the west. Really interesting to watch after where we’ve been.

This weekend Rachel and I are going to spend a few nights in Kruger going on tours and hopefully capturing some video similar to the one below. The one below happened in the park five minutes from where we are staying. Amazing.



  1. I don’t know about you but those animals look a lot cooler in a zoo!

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