Here are a bunch of the pics that aren’t animals that I took through out the trip. The rest are in the slideshow at the bottom of the post.

My Favourite Child
This boy here was my absolute favourite. He didn’t speak English much, but his smile said everything I needed to hear. We saw him twice. Once when he joined our Form of Dodgeball game and another time picking Avacado’s for his neighbour so he could keep a few to eat. Both times we saw him about a week apart he was wearing that amazing green sweater.

Nathan made Pap
Almost every day we had some sort of pap, which is a South African dish made out of maze meal and water. This was a small pot.


samuel 1

samuel 2
Sam was an amazing man. He was simple, terribly cool and cuter than anything. He asked good questions and was an inspiration to us all. I gotta get rid of some of the glare off the one picture.

These are two of the many grandsons that took care of us while we were in Swaziland. They washed our car, made us food and let us watch them play soccer.

Soccer 2

Soccer warm ups 3
Watching the soccer game was intimidating. Not only did they get along, they were amazing and could take on anyone from Canada without a sweat.

Long way to go
This was a regular site and always fascinating for some reason. I just couldn’t get enough of people carrying things on their head.

K2 School 16
_MG_3089A cool tree at the Masoyi CBO (Community Based Organization)

Girl Waiting-2
Girl waitingYoung girl watching the dodgeball game.

Loving the Booty Game
Now that’s a smile.

This is Nomsa, she is the lady we stayed with in Swaziland and her and her family rocked our world.

Cute Kids waving keys
A cute kid that took Charity’s keys.

All the Feet
I took this shot while we were doing some filming of a young family in Swaziland, their parents died when the oldest was 16 and they’ve been taking care of themselves ever since, for 4 years now.

_MG_4344The man whose house I took this at passed away a few days after we vistited. He was very sick and couldn’t walk. If he would have been in Canada he would have been treated and taken care of and never would have died like he did.


  1. They were alright.
    I didn’t hate them.
    They aren’t the worst.

  2. Some gorgeous shots here, Nathan.

  3. Some great pictures Nathan!!!!

  4. These are great pictures. Thanks for sharing them.

  5. Man, you managed to real take the essense of Swazi lifestyle I like your art. What camera were you using here? By the way, I’m interested in meeting the family whose parents have passed away and are taking care of themselves. If you can give me more info about them I would love to see them and possibly help with their situation. Thanks

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