Well, we have started our trip. Rachel and I are sitting in the Chicago airport waiting for Charity and Shane to arrive (which we gave them 40% chance of making it on time). It wasn’t without our mishaps and problems getting here. The long wait on the Bluewater Bridge, the traffic jam in Port Huron and then navigating around it using Ron’s Blackberry (I’ll pay you for the data usage when we get home). But we arrived at our terminal as soon as the last people were boarding. Props to Northwest for getting our luggage here also.

We’ll be heading off to London, England in about an hour where we will be meeting up with Charity’s friend Ahmed, and then we will be heading from there to Johannesburg. We arrive in Nelspruit, South Africa 10:30 Tuesday morning.

I’ll be trying to post as much as possible and whenever I can get internet access and be posting as many pictures as possible also. Thank-you again to everyone for all your support, we would be on this trip without you.


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