

I spent a good chunk of time watching the Canadian debate between the political leaders. This post may be completely mis-informed and may only seem to highlight my ignorance to politics, especially in my own country but here it goes anyway. I don’t like democracy. I don’t find it very productive nor beneficial to progressing […]

Do you get way too many telemarketers calling your house? I don’t, but I know both mine and Rachel’s parents get at least a couple of a day. The Canadian government actually stepped up on this one and made an opt-out website so you can get out of all telemarketers lists (besides a few exceptions).

I’m feeling pregnant this week. So many things are happening, joy and sorrow combined and I just had my mind kept racing back to Paul talking about how all of creation groans and we groan with it. There is no other description for where I am right now, but a constant state of groaning for

Phil Nellis has for a while now inspired me with his art pieces. So much so that we did a little trade off a while back that I got some art of his for putting together a website for him to display his art. His theological series blew me away and was my favourite he

For some reason, Sarnia Downtown is where I’ve been meeting people of complete randomness. A while back I met one of the editors of Geez Magazine right across the street at Coffee Culture. Turns out his wife is from here. Today I met two reps from Invisible Children, they were traveling through to show their

This is kind of an advanced version of my ATIC idea. It’s pretty cool. It’s called Swaptree and its like Ebay without money. ———————– Fundraiser idea. ———————– Rachel found this article on living small. Small seems to be the new big, and I appreciate the creativity. The annoying part is that they are still using

I grew up with a lot of older friends. I went to Cornerstone when I was 14 with a bunch of my friends that were almost 20. All of them loved Pedro the Lion, and I just never really connected. I remember one night we went to see him on the Encore stage where he

I’ll be participating in the afternoon panel discussion at the Worldview Conference, Another Brick in the Wall by Institute of Christian Studies on Saturday, Sept 27, 2008. We’ll see how I hold up there. We’ll be chatting about a paper by Bob Sweetman. Here is the description of his afternoon paper. The difficulties faced by

I just typed out all this, and then it asked me to relogin and I lost it all. So this will probably be shorter cause I’m more upset now. Now that I’m back from Africa I’m finding myself a lot busier trying to catch up on work, it’s good to know that my job is

After a slow to non-existing internet connection, to my flash not coming off my camera, to my laptop busting and having to take it apart to get my files off of it, I finally have all my pictures from my trip. I have uploaded about 200 of them to Flickr, along with the full sizes

I’m starting to realize how far reaching globalization is reaching. When you are in the mountains of Swaziland and there is a cell phone tower in the middle of avocado trees, you start to think that something is up. Everything is being put on the same page. Culture and uniqueness is going out the window.

Rachel and I are just starting to wind down from our trip here. We leave in two days. The last week here without Charity and Shane has been a lot more finding out what Hands at Work does as a whole. My IT skills have been used occasionally here in the office so I’ve been

I’ve been able to get some pictures online at really small copies. So if you are interested, you can check them out here. I’ll try to get more and more up when I can, but not having much luck with the internet. So when I get home I’ll do a major upload. Charity and Shane

The story in the bible about Jesus washing feet is about servant hood. However it is kinda of outdated. No one washes each other’s feet here or in Canada. When we tell the story we constantly try to make washing feet somehow relevant. I’ve had my feet washed 3 times in the past at youth

I’m writing this a week later, so I will probably skip over a lot of things without thinking. The rest of the week in Swaziland was a slower pace but we got a lot accomplished. Shane and the grandchildren filled in a 3 foot deep hole that was dug for a new water hole. It

The last few days have been a lot slower pace. Jayme and Heather left back for South Africa. Jayme and her husband Lynn were our contacts to get here and Heather works for Global and is up here on a 6 month leave doing some video work for Hands at Work. We drove in off

One of the major things that threw me when I got here, to Africa, was not even being remotely prepared for the awkward situations I would be in. I’m a fan of awkward usually. The Office is one of my favourite shows and I thrive on making people’s faces go red. This kind of awkward

On Wednesday we went to a garden that is being started up by Nomsa and her volunteers. The garden is probably 75 meters by 50 meters and we helped put a fence around it. They were waiting for a pipe to be put in so they could get water from the top of the mountain.

The internet here moves at a lightning fast 30 bytes a second, so I e-mailed this to Ron for him to post for me, we head back to South Africa tomorrow, so hopefully I’ll be able to get some more posts up, possibly some pictures but I don’t know, but I have lots of great

The last two days we spent at Kruger park scoping out animals in their natural environment. We saw elephants that were going to attack us. A leopard. Giraffes. Monkeys and Baboons. Water Buffalo. Hippo. Tons of Impala. Crocodiles and a slew of other animals. It was brilliant and majestic. It is one of the best