Troy and I had the opportunity to go with the FMCIC to the Ghana Mission this past month. The FMCIC is coaching and working with some Ghana pastors and giving them the tools necessary to be able to get their status as their own denomination. In a culture where structured denominations is scarce there is a great need for denominations in the country that people can trust. Along with that, a small group of the pastors there have acquired land and are in the beginning stages of starting a school for women. So Troy and I were in charge of all things tech and shot a lot of video and took lots of pictures. The team we went with consisted of a wide variety of Free Methodists, from raging big oil, I want my kids to pray in school conservatives to midwife loving, tree-hugging hippies. It made for quite a trip of heated discussion. I learned quite a bit from both sides. Here is a link to all the pictures. Videos will be released on a schedule over time.

GhanaThis first picture was my favourite moment. If you look very closely, you can see a guy have a smoke sitting on the goods of the flipped over truck.

GhanaWe will have a small video we made about these drummer guys from the North.

GhanaWe watched the Africa cup and Ghana in the quarter finals in the streets of Accra.

GhanaOrphanage nap time.


GhanaShot by Troy

GhanaShot by Troy

GhanaShot by Troy



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