This blog plays a very specific role in my life. I use it as a tool to bounce off my ideas and thought processes to friends, family, those that are walking with me and the general public. We live in an interesting age where I have the ability to do this and get feedback from people across the world. I have met and benefited from relationships made through this site with people all over the world. It has been quite a ride and I don’t regret one bit of it.

It has also served as a personal soapbox where I can spout off my opinions for anyone who cares to listen, challenge those who I feel need to be challenged or confess whatever is on my heart that day. I’m able to talk about things on here that won’t necessarily come up in regular conversation with friend, but it gets it off my chest and out into the world ready to be picked up in real life or any number of meetings with people during the day. If you have followed me for very long you will probably notice I’m not a gifted writer, nor am I trying to spread my propaganda for any specific brand or movement. I struggle with the brands and movements that I’m part of out loud just as I struggle with ones I am not part of. I’ve always tried to be as honest and transparent as possible and I’ll continue to do so.

I think I’m going to stop doing my links now and revert to just sharing on the sidebar a list of delicious links I’ve saved and my latest starred items in my google reader. I normally just gathered links from blogs on my reader and links in my delicious anyway, so this make less work for me and allows only the people that care to find it. I’ll post links that I have comments for and I want to interact with though I’m sure.

I’m also treading new ground on moving over to WordPress and organizing all the content in this site to be a little more searchable and accessible. I always said that at five years I was going to compile my content and publish it in a book, but five years is approaching fast (Oct 09) and I’m far behind. Moving to WordPress and categorizing and tagging things properly will help in this process a lot.

Finally, Thinker Labs is officially taking a hiatus. We just realized that while it may have been a good idea, we don’t have the time or the resources to create a site that will function as seamlessly as youtube or so we are just putting it on hold. So I’ll be posting my designs and film projects that are open source here on this site from here on in along with their source files for anyone that wants access to them.


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