Life and Link Update

I just typed out all this, and then it asked me to relogin and I lost it all. So this will probably be shorter cause I’m more upset now. Now that I’m back from Africa I’m finding myself a lot busier trying to catch up on work, it’s good to know that my job is still needed here.

Sarah Manafo led a great performance at Imperial Theatre last night along with Kristine and Louise in We Are the Champions (music of Queen, of which I designed the poster). I got bored of sitting in one spot after a while so I snuck up to the back and then around and actually climbed up on the rafters over top of the performance while it was happening and got a few cool shots, the one of the girl on the piano is from up there.
Short Film Festival deadline is tomorrow. We have got as many this year, but should still be a good one.
I am going to the Why Everything Must Change conference tomorrow with the Epiphaneia boys to get the word out about our conference in March.
Charity, Rachel, Shane and I are presenting about our Africa trip on Sunday at theStory at 10:10 in case your interested. We may or may not be cooking some African food for the potluck.
Joe may get mad at me for stealing this, but he doesn’t blog anymore so I don’t know where he’ll tell people. These are two of the posters up on our window at theStory, side by side. You have to love it.
Rita MacNeil beside the Misfits
Speaking of theStory, we officially own our building downtown now as of this week.
I am going to the LA Dream Center at the end of October with a friend. I know nothing about it, but its a cool concept.


  1. I wanted to say hi at the WEMC conference, but I had to choose between you and the Ladies Room and you’ll be grateful to know that the Ladies Room won.

    I was just wanting to thank you again for your Africa posts.
    So, thanks again :)

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