My friend Tim Nixon has started up a company here in Sarnia, called Sarnia Water Sports. He will take you out and give you wakeboard or water-ski lessons. It’s a great idea for a city like Sarnia. So this morning we took a couple of boats out and snapped some pictures. We are also took some footage for a one minute commercial. Here are 15 of my favourites. Click on the link to see them all, and here are a few below.

Sarnia Water Sports

Sarnia Water Sports
Sarnia Water Sports

Here is the article in the paper about his business

Making waves on the river

Twenty year-old Sarnia native says it’s high time area residents use their waterfront more.

Tim Nixon is full of ideas on how to make that happen.

He launches Sarnia Water Sports today, a new venture that offers lessons in wakeboarding, wakeskating and waterskiing.

Nixon has a 2007 190-horsepower Sea Ray equipped with a full wakeboard tower that works for all types of water sports.

“I bought the boat last year and had a great time all summer on the water. I love the water and really want to see Sarnians get more involved in their waterfront,” he says.

Operating his own business has always been in Nixon’s blood, he says, so last winter he put a business plan together for Sarnia Water Sports.

Numerous surveys conducted among local students and parents supported his belief that a water sport school would do well.

With the help of Dave Brown at Bridgeview Marina, Nixon has set up shop dock-side along Venetian Boulevard on marina property.

Sarnia Water Sports is accepting calls starting today to either book a lesson or a session out on the water with a tube, wakeboard or waterskis.

Prices vary depending on the circumstances but, generally, it costs $50 an hour for a private lesson. Group lessons are less expensive. If family or friends want to ride in the boat, they pay $10 each.

Nixon is a graduate of the Canadian Waterski Instructors Course sanctioned by the Ontario Waterski Association. He is fully insured through Waterski/Wakeboard Canada.

“Being a kid growing up here, I would have loved to have lessons like this,” Nixon says. He welcomes kids and teens under the age of 18 but they require a parent or guardian to sign their waivers.

His market research indicates that young people will be most interested as well as families looking for recreation. Nixon hopes tourists coming into area marinas in their larger boats will want to take up water sports with him.

“I expect wakeboarding to be more popular than anything else,” he says.

Sarnia Water Sports is a sponsor of Sarnia’s Wakeup Call, a professional wakeboarding demonstration on Sarnia Bay this July 20.

To contact Nixon about lessons or just having fun out on the water, call him at 519-381-7176 or log onto, fill in your contact information and he will call you.


  1. Okay, I had to laugh at this one. Given my close involvement with people in the sex trade, “water sports” makes me think of something very, very different!

  2. Alright I have to say Nate. Some of your best work by far. MAGNIFICENT! I am truly impressed and a little jealous. I have so many issues with exposure and you’ve got it perfect in these shots.

  3. Hey Nate! Great photos here! I really like the bottom one with the spray. The vignetting effect works for them too!

  4. The other day I went out with Tim on his boat for a Wakeboard sesion and I must say. He knows what hes talking about when it comes to the water. He showed me how to wakeboard for an hour and it was a great experience for me and I will definitely be going back out there. Thanks Tim…

  5. Cool pictures! It really shows how good they are when it comes to surfing. Actually I’m not good to surfing. Anybody can teach me how? hehe

  6. sweet photos! The depth is really there and they look amazing.
    Not the typical wakeboard shots – these are really cool.

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