For some reason I’ve always hated asking for money. I actually hate talking about money with most people. Money always seems to be a touchy subject for people and I’d rather just stay away from it. Maybe that’s cause for some posts in the future. All that to say, Rachel, Charity, Shane and I are entering Race to Erase Homelessness in Sarnia and we need to raise $500 to be able to go into it. So I’m asking for money. This is great on two levels. For starters we get to help participate in eliminating poverty in our town of Sarnia, they are hoping to raise $50, 000 towards that cause. Second, Rachel is obsessed with the Amazing Race and this gives her away to at least pretend she is on it. Any help you can give would be awesome, $10 or more gives you a tax receipt. Just click on the link below (click on the same button on the next page, not the please click here link, after reading the instructions). In the message box where you fill out the donation stuff just don’t forget to put my name [Nathan Colquhoun, in case you forgot who’s website this was] so it goes towards our team.


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