Ideas Worth Spreading

The past two months, while traveling and resting I have read a lot of books, well a lot for me anyway. It was a lot of reading on international development, foreign aid, economics and new technology (that being I read the Google Story). I was inspired by everything I read. My conceptions of third world countries have been shattered and I’m trying to come to grips with anything that makes a little more sense of what is going on in the world. My assumptions about foreign aid organizations are wounded and I’m a lot more skeptical that I used to be. Then to completely change subjects, Google fascinated me. The way they run their company, create and look at the world had a lot to teach me. With that said, Darryl pointed me to a site called TED: Ideas Worth Spreading. It’s video after video of great ideas being shared about everything from religion to economics to politics to technology. The video below is a man named Hans Rosling who puts the development of the world into perspective with some awe inspiring stats. The program you see that he is using to produce and show stats was soon after acquired by Google and turned into the Google Gapminder which I linked to a while back. So it was kind of cool to see all this information that I have been studying for the past few month be utilized in such a cool way by a company I appreciate.

1 Comment

  1. nathan … maybe i mentioned this? but i have been reading thomas homer-dixon’s stuff … ingenuity gap and his new one upside of down. challenging/encouraging.

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