Since the last post Rachel and I have gone to Rome and Florence. Rome was beautiful. It’s hard to describe how history that goes back that far makes you feel. The sisteen chapel is beautiful, and the Vatican is one hell of a place. We walked forever to get to the sisteen chapel and probably walked through 20 rooms to get there. Your way there is overloaded with art. Entire rooms from floors to ceilings just covered in beautiful paintings, murals, mosaics. It really makes you wonder where the modern day equivalent of good art is. Why is all famous art like this hundreds of years old? Have we lost our love for art? Here are some thoughts that I had randomlly throughout my days in Rome.

* With the line up going for well over a kilometer. How much does that Vatican make a day in ticket sales. My guess was around a million dollars.

* I really want to see Gladiator again

* I wonder if the Vatican is the modern day ‘Den of Theives’

* If I see one more stone statue…

* I wish Italian was English

* I want to eat at an old Italian lady’s house

* I feel like a cow (this is because wherever we went, we were herded from room to room, line to line just like cattle would be)

We went from Rome to Florence, dropped off our stuff and took a little trip to Pisa to see the leaning tower. Saw it, took the picture, ate some food and left. Today we spent the day in Florence and saw the David (which I had to sneak the picture)..crazy statue, and probably my favorite museum yet, just because it was small and percise and great explanations of all the art. Rachel has been really sick the last few days, so say a prayer for her if you can. She is currently currled up at the back of the internet cafe taking a nap. Tonight we head off to Nice for a day or two on the beach.

Leaning Tower of Pisa



The David



  1. great beach volleyball on the beaches of Nice. you will understand that joke when you get there.

  2. Lots of prayers already on their way and more to come. Hope Rachel is better soon and that she’ll be well enough for you both to enjoy Paris.

    Lots of love, G_M

  3. waiting to hear rachel is fine
    and you’re trip is going on as planned,
    healthy, happy, & safe

    Love darlene

  4. Wow… I bet you got her sick again!!!! Is it another case of Norwalk? I hope not!

    Awww… Rachel its ok :)

  5. Nathan, because my boyfriend is Italian, I have eaten at an old Italian lady’s house.
    She has three kitchens. Three.
    You would love it.

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