Tonight, Barry, Matt and I went out and took photos on the train tracks in Sarnia. We call ourselves the Shutterbugs, Natalie calls us the Shutterbuggers. Either way we are getting shirts and if you want to come, just let me know. Here are my favourite 10 pictures that I took, I’ll link to the other guys when they get online, and hopefully one day Shutterbugs will have their own website. You can see all the pics here, but really I think these are the only ten I’d keep. Here is Barry’s pics and here is Matt’s Pics
mom says:
These are awesome pics.
jonathanturtle says:
hey nathan, cool shots! i’m assuming you used a digital for these? what kind of camera do you have?
Anonymous says:
Hey Johnathan, glad you like them, I have a Canon Digital Rebel first version just with a regular 18-55 lens. Same one that Tyndale has actually. I bought it for Tyndale and liked it enough o buy it myself a year later.
Alisha says:
Nathan, your pictures are amazing!!
alisha says:
is that my dads work.
very nice work
Krista Jefferson says:
3, 4, 6, 7, 8 are my faves! NICE!
Nate Colquhoun says:
Prety Cool Dude like the pics
CN Police says:
I’m coming for you guys. We don’t like people on our train tracks!