Chris blogged a bit about the conference here. You can find updated links to posts about the conference here.
A women’s shelter is closing in Oshawa cause of lack of money. If you can, do something about it, we’re thinking on our end. Let us know if you have any ideas.
I have been thinking about this for a while now. I’ve been thinking about, hanging out with and watching a lot of activists type people and listening to their pleas. I agree with their desires, but I don’t agree with their approach, it just doesn’t seem to be everything there is to do. Dan I think does a good job summarizing how I feel, and to live differently is hard because there is very few people doing it. It isn’t as easy as jumping on one band-wagon to another.
This video is pretty cool, about all the way a festival saves the environment by eliminating waste. Probably something we should focus more on at our next conference.
Joe and Jeremy are going all over Western Canada soon to start filming for the Church Plant documentary, see if you can give them a few bucks. I’m excited for this film, it should be good.
Tony Campolo’s does anyone give a shit stunt. Always enjoyed that one.
Check all sorts of details about big time ministries. Good and Bad.
Tony Campolo was on the Hour. This was a great interview. Here is a conversation that I’m participating in about it.
Following Subversive Influence‘s lead, here is some blogs he thinks are under-rated and I’m adding a few of my own, which are the last three.


  1. that blog conversation you are having that started on campolo and eventually got to people writing out there personal theology statements is amazing…i dont know how you can do that. i cant put up with that like you can.

  2. It stops hurting after a while. You get used to the headache.

    (I’m one of the guilty ones.)

  3. it’s easy to put up with if you don’t give a shit.


  4. nathan! chris told me you posted about the shelter – thank you. the more people who know about this the better…

    my friend christa and i are putting our heads together to sort something out. she is going to ask her church to take up an offering easter sunday (she pastors a church plant there…). i just got off the phone w chris a little bit ago, and we threw around some great ideas and i’m getting some information and contacts together for all of you.

    i really appreciate you guys joining us in this. i am *praying* and *hoping* we can make a change. it really matters to me – i love that city!

    thanks again, a.

  5. I just saw that you had posted this. Thank you for the support and encouragement.

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