I love Resonate Echo events. The idea of them is awesome and the speakers that we have got to participate so far is even better. Here is the next one…

Resonate and Allelon are pleased to present a free Resonate ECHO event with Dr. Alan Roxburgh in a Missional Leadership Conversation. (Location, time and more info available here.)

Alan loves Toronto – he spent his teen years growing up in the GTA, pastored here for twenty years and has many friends and family in the Greater Toronto Area.

Alan has been called many things in his years of ministry – including pastor, author, seminary prof and consultant. He has pastored in smaller towns and in the urban centres of Toronto and Vancouver. He held the Chair of Missions & Evangelism at McMaster, has lectured at numerous seminaries around the world and, along with Mark Lau Branson, is the Mentor/Instructor for Fuller’s Missional Leadership Cohort D.Min. program. Alan also works as a consultant with churches and denominations in the U.S., the U.K. and Australasia.

Alan serves as the Vice President for Allelon Canada. He is the Director of Educational Resources throughout North America and the lead coordinator for the Allelon Missional Schools Project . This project has brought together twenty-four diverse seminaries to fundamentally address the question of missional theology and its implications for leadership formation.

Alan begins podcasting later this month (February 2007) with the Roxburgh Journal, an Allelon Netcast. Video resources at Allelon will also include Alan in separate conversations with Craig Van Gelder, Pat Keifert, Eddie Gibbs and Ryan Bolger.

Alan is the author of numerous books on the church and missional leadership. Two of his most recent books are Allelon Publishing’s The Sky is Falling, and The Missional Leader, co-authored with Fred Romanuk – a publication of Jossey-Bass and The Leadership Network.


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