Randomlly created praise songs. Now this is hilarious. You take the name of someone “you love” and then something special for them and it creates a random poem. However, Pomomusings and Mark did it for Jesus with worship songs. This has got to say something.
Phil did a cool creative piece with his youth on the Word Becoming Flesh.
Someone needs to try this and let me know how it goes. (ht)
Phil Nellis has a new piece of artwork out. This is probably one of my favourites outside of his theological series.
Here is the 2007 pantry challenge. You can’t go grocery shopping and you can only eat what is in your freezer or cupboards with a few small exceptions.


  1. Regarding Ulead 360. It is a cheap piece of software but kind of fun. You need a good tripod and have your camera perfectly level. Once you do that, you just take 10-14 pictures in in a 360 degrees circle. The software stitches them together and then makes a QT file of it. I used to have one of our church sanctuary and plan to do one for Church of the Exiles for our alt.worship gatherings.

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