anothernight 055

The picture above is one that I took in my friend’s backyard in August 2004. See all the pics here. His name is Scotty Maidman, and tomorrow I’m going to see him race at the Skydome (Rogers Center) for SuperCross. It should be a fun day.
I don’t know if you’ve heard of but it was a attempt to make a million dollars by this one guy who sold advertising space for $1 a pixel. Well he’s up to it again at Pixelotto and this time its $2 a pixel but if you click on the right pixel you could win $1 million yourself.
Ever heard of a 6-word Short Story. Dave Blondel takes a shot at it. This is a cool idea, and defiantly something I can see trying as a creative worship response.
Michael Frost is coming to the Toronto area. Resonate Audio has a 7-part series by him if you want to know what he’s like, but its def something I’m going to try to make it out to.
Dreams, Vows and changes from a Jewish perspective. This is a great post on how important our words are.


  1. Sorry to correct you, Nathan, but the story was by g.s. kennedy, not Dave Blondel… they have several authors over at the Winterbeard.


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