David Fitch was here in Sarnia yesterday and we spent some time talking about the joys and struggles of church planting and we also officially published and finished developing his new website, all still hosted with blogger which is kind of cool, hopefully the new Blogger starts to offer some better controlling of unique pages or WordPress will probably be the default option for me (though my blog uses B2Evolution).
Tonight we thought we’d have some fun and give candy to the kids that came to the door. One kid came to the door in all black with cereal boxes all over him with knives through the boxes. His costume was one of the most clever ideas I’ve seen in a long time. He was a serial killer.
Jeremy Duncan explaining part of his creative process. This is something that we are doing with Joe for theStory and I admit, I’m starting to love it.
Microsoft as part of their recent embraces of open source ideals that they seem to be working into their company now and the near future unleash a free accounting program for small businesses. Maybe I’ll convert over from Microsoft Small Business (yes its legal).
The new short film for theStory is now online. Check it out here. The theme is justice, and remembering. Soon Thinker Labs will be hosting all these films in high quality format for free download if you ever think they will be useful in your own endeavors.


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