The Sarnia Revival has been a source of discussion a bit on this blog. A lot of it came from a post that I wrote here about my experience there and some thoughts to go with it. So I’ve been keeping up to date with what has been going on and plan to attend again in the near future as I have been so encouraged to do so by many who said my last post was unfair.

The Sarnia Revival was on TV on 100 Huntley Street. Ironically, a few minutes before the Sarnia Revival was featured, there was upcoming advertising for Brian McLaren and Donald Miller and their talks about church, and the interviews were done at our conference and if you watch carefully, you can even see a short glimpse of the Evolving Church conference that we ran back in April in Toronto. Funny how one minute they are advertising upcoming shows about a “new kind of church” and then next second highlighting the revival services.

A word of warning though, most of the interviews are done with Kyle (the Faith healer, which I talked about here) and Josh Pitka (a local church planter) which isn’t that directly related to the Sarnia Revival. But Pastor Tim is interviewed and there is lots of footage. I’m curious to see what your thoughts are, especially from anyone who reads this blog that isn’t a Christian. I apologize for the bad quality, the audio seems like its almost a full second off, that’s what happened when I converted it from the Real Media file. You can watch the full episode here.

100 Huntley Street on Sarnia Revival (play | download)
(skip ahead to 7:20)(you need Real Player to view, and there is two links, one to download and another to play, download it and then watch it, it will be easier to skip ahead)


  1. Hey Nathan!
    What is up my friend? How are things going with you and church?
    Just wanted to thankyou for continuing to be faithful to the king. Keep going man! Keep learning and growing! I know God has so incredibly much for us to experience as a city – his glory and presence.
    Bless you in all you do and say man!

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