Effects of the revival are being leaked into the city. My neighbour who I grew up with is one of the main journalists for the Sarnia Observer and I just found out that she is following some of the leads on the revival. See a open letter/review that I wrote a review/open letter posted here.

Here is an article on the kid named Kyle Lubbers who got suspended from St. Clair for a day because of his praying for classmates. Pastor Tim is quoted in the article also. More to come I’m sure. I’ll withhold my comments from this one.

Click Here


  1. Obviously I don’t know this Kyle chap so I won’t comment on his specific involvement in this controversy.

    I find it interesting though that the “revival” is moving beyond church circles. I think that Christian groups ought to be allowed to meet of school grounds but aren’t there more appropriate environs for this type of thing to take place? Like a home? Or a church where any fears of “getting out of hand” can be dealt with by people who are more experienced at this type of thing than a teenager who’s been a Christian for 3 weeks?

    Admittedly I’m impressed by this young man’s obvious sense of purpose in the Kingdom of God.

  2. Tom,
    You have to be kidding me. He didnt act alone, he had a “leader” who wasnt a student edging him on.

    Word got out to my fellow co-workers and things broke out, it was an interesting lunch to say the least.
    The fact that the pastor thinks its discriminatory is beyond me. What a circus this has become.

  3. smart boy

  4. Props to the kid for bringing it to the streets. He should definately not be suspended for praying for healing off of school property. Take it to whovever needs it. I am glad he is trying to be respectful of school rules, but eventually there’s gotta be a line. Getting suspended off of school proptery? He’s doing what the early apostle’s did, preaching and healing in the streets, except 11 of the 12 of them were martyred.

  5. Ron,

    I don’t think I implied that he was acting alone…I don’t think that the article made clear either way.

    Is it a circus? Perhaps. But in any event I find it encouraging that this person is compelled to do what he’s doing? Is he doing it in the right way? I don’t think so. The fact that he’s obviously doing this in defiance of school authorities doesn’t show much understanding IMHO.

    Here’s an update:

  6. Tom, I happened to see the st.pats prayer session on a video that someone had taken. It was really awesome in fact. There was kid who had a broken collar bone, and arm, and there crowd of about 50 or so students who all knew him was testifying to the fact that he was healed. This video shows the atmospher and there wasn’t any attitudes of rebellion at all. Hopefully you can see this video, they showed it at Bethel the other night.

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