As part of my stay here at the FRWY, I am working alongside of Pernell and a few networks to put together a day that reaches out to church planters and those that are into forming new kinds of church. I’m quite excited to what this day is going to be like and for anyone that wants to plant a church or is exploring different kinds of church then this might be the day for you. It’s going to be a one day learning party designed unlike any conference-type day you’ve probably been to. The focus is going to be on local communities and their stories and your stories and how we can learn and encourage eachother. There is no big name speaker, there is no crazy fee (only 25 bucks and it includes lunch), there is no money sponsor commercials. It will be just you and a bunch of other people that want to get their feet wet in understanding and exploring new forms of church. For more information, check out the website. www.cultivategathering.com