Here Comes the Photos

Today marks a new day in my life.
I got a new Camera. The Canon Digital Rebel. I also got a lense and my mom’s friend is letting me use her old Canon lenses to figure some things out. So this is a new stage of my life. Now i just have to learn what I’m doing with it.

I also signed up for a Pro Flickr account. This is for a number of reasons. As i get into photography a lot more I want to be able to log my pictures online. Signing up for a pro account costs $25 but you get unlimited space. So it will work well with my website I think. Soon I will have a FLICKR bar at the side to scroll through some pictures.

To see my FLICKR page click here. There is only pictures from Florida, My Great Grandma’s Funeral and the Cruise up there, but if you are interested feel free. There is over 1500 pictures just of those three catagories.


  1. How fun!!

    I have a a book I can lend you for a bit if you wnat on the digital Rebel. You’re going to have so much fun!!

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