
Tech Tips

Local Internet

As the Internet grew and my time on it grew as well I always found it a great way to meet people, build relationships with people that I couldn’t normally be around and constantly be discovering new and exciting people and things. I wanted to reach as far into the internet as possible and be

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Twitter Vs FriendFeed

Twitter for the most part is annoying. The last thing I want to do all day is sit in front of my computer and use one of the eight million or so add-ons/programs/features of Twitter to follow my friends and what they are thinking/doing every last minute of their lives. E-mail works fine for communication,

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Websites You Need to Know

It is extremely important to know your way around the web. You need to know where to go when you need something instead of spending your time surfing, cause surfing is a time consumer when you need results. I wrote a post a little while back about some helpful sites in my computer saturated life.

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5 Photoshop Tips

1. Cropping is your friend. Most pictures need about 7/8 cut out of it for it to look right with what your trying to go for. You will be amazed how zooming in on the part of the picture you want, the off-centering it a bit will add to your design as opposed to just

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5 Powerpoint (or Impress) Tips

Here is five helpful tips for Microsoft Powerpoint or a free open source piece of similiar software called Open Office Impress. 1. Never delete your presentation, I guarantee that slides from previous months, weeks or years will come in handy down the road. I can’t count how many times I simply copy and paste slides

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Some Tips for You

Ever since Joe made me his workhorse when I was 14, I have been doing Powerpoint presentations, designs and imagery. I have gotten to be pretty quick at it and I’d like to believe my stuff is a lot better now than it was 8 years ago. I can build websites better and quicker than

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Surf Like a Pro

Today is a major marker in the history of my life. I had 70 pages of paper in my hand a few hours ago and they were all delivered to the respective classes. That means I’m done for the school year except one minor exam. I am one happy person. There is a post that

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