

This is part of Fire! Ready! Aim! Series: Essays on Lessons Learned by an Enneagram Social 8w7 For the last five years I’ve been meeting with an EMDR therapist. It’s a type of therapy that has been primarily used for those with PTSD but can also be used for more micro-traumas. There are different criticisms […]

This is part of Fire! Ready! Aim! Series: Essays on Lessons Learned by an Enneagram Social 8w7 One of the books that really impacted me was Awareness by Anthony De Mello. He was an Indian Jesuit priest and psychotherapist who died in 1987. This book reads like you are eavesdropping on someone who just took

This is part of Fire! Ready! Aim! Series: Essays on Lessons Learned by an Enneagram Social 8w7 From my point of view, I don’t think Eights are very judgmental (humility isn’t our strong suit either if you can tell). We tend to have an open mind about things and are quick to empathy if we

This is part of Fire! Ready! Aim! Series: Essays on Lessons Learned by an Enneagram Social 8w7 The vice of an Eight is lust, or what Richard Rohr would call intensity. The ego tries to force life into feeling real and alive again and looks for any opportunity to do that. The vice of the

This is part of Fire! Ready! Aim! Series: Essays on Lessons Learned by an Enneagram Social 8w7 Ever since I can remember, I’ve been way too confident. I was in my early teens when my mother looked me in the eye and said, “you know Nathan, there are so many great things about you, and

This is part of Fire! Ready! Aim! Series: Essays on Lessons Learned by an Enneagram Social 8w7 My best friend Darryl put me onto the idea that the way to true community and self awareness was vulnerability. Mixed with Brene Brown and Parker Palmer going on about vulnerability from their platforms, I knew that vulnerability

This is part of Fire! Ready! Aim! Series: Essays on Lessons Learned by an Enneagram Social 8w7 When I hear the term ‘submission’ I think of someone overpowering someone else, the final move of a fight where one person conquers another. No one wants to be on the other end of a submission. It’s humiliating

I’ve been playing around with the idea of writing a collection of short essays for a while now. I want to share my experiences, insights and challenges of what my Eightness on the Enneagram has meant and been for me. After discovering the Enneagram six or seven years ago, it has been such an incredible