
Evangelism Series

The longer I stick around this evangelical world, the more I tend to put up a wall to the language of ‘evangelism.’ I don’t know if I buy seeking conversions to my faith and trying to get people saved by believing what I believe. The whole concept now seems so foreign to me. This is […]

I struggle with evangelism because it always seem so disingenuous. The only people I know that have ever come to consider themselves Christians who were not born into it were not the direct results of any evangelism techniques that we muster together. I deeply want people to know the peace and joy that I have that comes from my faith

I just finished reading a book called The Younger Evangelicals by Robert Webber. I really appreciated this book. All my life I have butt heads with the traditional church and with a lot of people who were in leadership over me. I haven’t been able to understand them and they don’t understand me. I usually

Evangelism: Gospelizing the Gospel In light of the comments on my last evangelism post, I thought I should elaborate a bit and take it one step further. The main concern I think after reading through the comments is two-fold. One, that evangelism has always existed using words. Which Tom you are right, I worded that

Around apartment 109 (where I live) you’ll notice all kinds of trends. Most of them like darts, poker, James bond for N64, NHL 95 for Sega, the apartment 109 website, us believing Jon was actually going to leave chapters, homework, Google ads, a bar in our living room and the list could go on for