
Using Prezi for Sermons

I don’t know if you’ve ever seen the RSA Animate films; they are brilliant. They somehow manage to take highly intellectual lectures and turn them into enjoyable 10 minute sessions of learning. By drawing and bringing to life the content, these animators bring context to the words of these professors. You find yourself memorized all the while having these images embedded into your mind to go with the words. I would love to be able to prepare something that intense for every sermon I preach, but that isn’t realistic. Thought I do wish some people would take that upon themselves.

So I found the next best thing. It’s called Prezi and it will replace Powerpoint in all my presentations. It’s slick, enjoyable, and helps you tell a story in a more full way rather than in a linear one. So I’m speaking at Hillside in London this week and decided to give this a try. I’m doing a rendition of my message on Freedom, Opportunity and the Disciplines. It’s a message that challenges the myth of freedom in our society and by using Andy Crouch’s Practices vs Purchases lecture I argue that only true freedom is experienced through discipline, not through a one time decision. Below is my Prezi for it.

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