
Links for October 16, 2006

187, 000 workers sue Walmart.
Nice. I should have gotten my co-workers together to sue Wendy’s. I know I worked too much for them. Via.
Travelling? Here is a website called Couchsurfing that is dedicated for you to find free couches to stay on while your travelling around. Very cool. Via.
TallSkiniKiwi on some tips about blogging and how to increase your page rank. If you care. I’m trying not to care. But I’m linking to it so I must.
Steph talks about superficial hospitality. Something we at theStory are talking about now and trying to get away from. It’s been a good discussion since our entire month has been on hospitality.
“The true value of a man is not determined by his possession, supposed or real, of the truth, but rather by his sincere exertion to get to the truth…” Read more…