
Way of the Master?

This video is one of the funniest videos I have ever seen. Are we just fishing now for ways to prove God exists? Or as Jeremy put it who originally linked me to the video, “are you kidding me?” I knew the guys from Way of the Master, Kirk Cameron and Ray Comfort were a little bit out of touch with reality but I think this video makes me realize how one such a completely different level they are from the rest of the world. When i first saw the video that you click on on their website (not sure if its there anymore) that non-christians were supposed to click on I was saddened that it was the message we were giving them. At least now its not about how horrible they are and that they are going to hell, now its just how a bannana is an athiest’s worst nightmare.

5 thoughts on “Way of the Master?”

  1. Wow!
    That was pretty intense.

    That book shelf that they were standing in front of must have contained a lot of books from both sides as they really seemed well versed during their “debates”

    Kirk kept talking about “circumnavigating the intillect and speaking right to the conscience”. That’s certaintly what the intros to most of those videos were doing. Flowery music and them sitting on stools on a red carpet in the middle of a serene lake and mountain scene. How are people so blind to only see two sides? In the evolution video that “Ray Comfort” guy was asking this girl if she believed in evolution, that the world evolved from single cell organisms, etc. (I can’t remember exactly what it was) and she said yes. Then he asked her if she believed that Adam came out of the water as slime, etc. and she said no. Then he asked her “which side” she believed then. Because, you can’t really believe in both sides now. And she didn’t have an answer. Anyway, that’s all. Thanks for sharing this Nathan. It “gives me an edge on the competition”. LOL


  2. Oh man. That was ridiculuos! Aha, “and notice how gracefully it sits over the hand. Notice it has a point at the top for easy entry, its just the right shape for the human mouth *makes ridiculuos face*”
    Heh good post Nate.

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