Joe retells the second meeting for theStory and he saved me a whole lot of work, so I don’t have to type it out myself. Click here for the whole story.
My exams are all done. So hopefully that means I can pick up the blogging pace. I also got a few website jobs lined up for the next little bit, so that will be some nice cashflow for the summer. I started up a company with a friend called Storyboard Solutions, all the website business will be going through that, so that is kind of cool. I move to Hamilton to work with the FRWY all summer in a few weeks also and that also means i’ll be living in the same city as my girlfriend.
Easter Weekend was awesome. theStory meeting went well. Lunch with Pernell and Jared went super good and was very encouraging. I’m really looking forward to see what they two guys do with church planting in Canada over the next few years.