
Derek Webb Interview Pt. 1

I did an interview with Derek Webb in September, and I recorded it on my laptop so I could go and type it out properly after. I thought I would make it available as a podcast for all those that are interested.

For those of you that don’t know. Podcasts are audio files that you listen to on your computer/ipod etc. If you look to the Feed section on the left, you click on the feed that you want. Itunes automatically searches the podcasts to look for any updated ones and automatically downloads it to your Itunes or Ipod if you have one. So really it updates your media player with the latest from the source. Some churches are doing them now for sermons for their congregations and there are other cool programs. Some interesting podcasts are:

Relevant Magazine Podcast (just finished doing some Donald Miller interviews)
Stupid Church People

It’s a great new technology because people can listen to their radio shows, interviews and such whenever they want on demand and they are always updated automatically.

BEWARE – This is not PODCAST quality whatsoever. All you are listening to is me and Derek Webb in an hour conversation. Well its not much of a conversation because whenever I’m talk I’m asking questions and saying the word ‘like’ every other word. But nevertheless, Derek Webb did a great job, so thank-you to him for doing the interview with me. The written version is going to be published in Canon 25 within the next month.

So you can either click on the left menu there and add it to your Itunes Podcast directory, or you can just listen to it by MP3 below. Pt. 2 Will be posted later.

Exclusive Interview w/ Derek Webb pt. 1

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