
Stats to Cure a Nave Heart

Some stats off an article for Risen Magazine.

Amount spent on hair products annually in the US: 8 billion
Americans spend 34 billion dollars a year on their pets
1.6 trillion dollars are spent annually on military weapons
20 billion dollars a year is spent to fight terrorism in the U.S.
According to the World Health Organization it would take 20 billion a year to cure world hunger.

This makes me realize all the more how ridiculous we are. We spend almost twice as much on our friggin pets than it would to cure world hunger. That makes me want to hurl. Bill Gates has over 30 billion I beleive. That means that one person on this earth has the power to cure world hunger and still be a billionaire after.

7 thoughts on “Stats to Cure a Nave Heart”

  1. World hunger has very little to do with lack of cash or food. Throw 100 billion at it and nothing changes.
    Look at political systems that suppress freedom, look at a church that has forgotten it’s real purpose and only looks at itself for starters.
    Simplistic view? Maybe, but so is thinking that throwing money at the problem and pretending musicians without a real clue have the answer wrapped up in a neat paragraph.

  2. That reminds me of something I just read on Matthew Good’s (yes, the musician) blog the other day (I’ll edit out the profanity):

    “Maybe its time we just decided to call a spade a spade. Instead of pretending to care, why dont we just admit that we dont? Rather than our governments claiming to act in the interests of human rights and freedoms, why dont we just admit that were greedy, power hungry, spoiled, and have more guns and bombs than everyone else? Why dont we just cut the *** and say what were all really thinking that were on top and if youre trapped underneath us then too ******* bad.”


    I disagree with a lot of things he says, but this struck me as pretty honest.

  3. I htink Rob hit it right on the head. You can throw money at anything and it wont help matters.

    I beleive it is Matthew that says “Give a man a fish and he will eat for a day, teach a man to fish and he will eat for a life-time.

    World Hunger doesn’t need more money, it needs more people who are willing to teach the hungry how to provide for themselves. The last time I checked we have lots of people. Why not throw people at them instead of money?


  4. http://www.thehungersite.com

    by clicking on the advertisements money is put toward world hunger (there are connected sites for other things as well) AND they have really cool things you can buy like goats for African villages. Who DOESNT want a goat???

  5. im with Phil.. i hate how people consider the solving of world hunger, to be something that is out of reach like a utopian world or something but the only thing that holds us back is our greedy nature.

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